
more photos on the Polish version of the website

001 Three-level semi-trailer with ramp on the springs, mechanical shutters and a movable roof
002 Three-level trailer with a movable roof and a movable platform in tailgate
003 Three-level trailer with a movable roof, mechanical shutters and a ramp in tailgate
004 Two-level trailer with a movable roof, mechanical shutters and a ramp in tailgate
005 Three-level trailer with a mechanical shutters, a ramp in tailgate and a openable back door
006 Semi-trailer to transport a horses with a ramp in tailgate and a openable backdoor
007 Semi-trailer to transport a horses with a ramp in tailgate and a openable backdoor
008 Three-level semitrailer with a movable roof and a ramp in tailgate
009 Three-level semi-trailer with a movable roof, a ramp in tailgate and a mechanical shutters
010 Three-level semi-trailer with a movable roof, a ramp in tailgate and a mechanical shutters
011 Four-level semi-trailer with a movable roof, a ramp in tailgate and a mechanical shutters
012 Three-level semi-trailer with a ramp in a tailgate
013 Two-level semi-trailer with a ramp in a tailgate and with a manual shutters
014 Four-level semi-trailer with a movable roof, a ramp in a tailgate and a mechanical shutters
015 Two-level semi-trailer with a movable roof and a hydraulic weight in a tailgate
016 Four-level semi-trailer with a movable roof, a ramp in tailgate and a mechanical shutters
017 Two-level semi-trailer with a movable roof and a hydraulic weight in a tailgate
018 Two-level semi-trailer with a movable roof and a hydraulic weight in a tailgate
019 Three-level semi-trailer with a movable roof, a ramp in tailgate and a mechanical shutters
020 Three-level semi-trailer with a movable roof and a hydraulic weight in a tailgate
021 Two-level semi-trailer with a movable roof, a ramp in a tailgate. Also on the longer part we've put an extra middle wall
022 Two-level semi-trailer with a movable roof, a ramp in a tailgate. and a openable backdoor.
023 Two-level semi-trailer with a movable roof and a ramp in a tailgate
024 Four-level semi-trailer with a ramp in a tailgate and with a hydraulic shutters
025 Four-level semi-trailer with movable roof, a ramp ina tailgate and with a hydraulic shutters
026 Three-level semi-trailer with a ramp in a tailgate and with a mechanical shutters
027 Two-level semi-trailer with a movable roo...028 Two-level semi-trailer with a movable roof and a hydraulic weight in a tailgate
028 Three-level semi-trailer with a ramp in tailgate and a manual shutters
029 Three-level semi-trailer with ramp on the springs, mechanical shutters
030 Three-level semi-trailer with ramp on the springs, mechanical shutters

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